On a Exchange 2007 and 2010 when changes are made to the Out of Office setting these changes are logged into an Item sitting in the Non_IPM_Subtree folder of a mailbox which has a message class of IPM.Microsoft.OOF.Log .
The log of changes is written to the body of this message and can be useful if for any reason you need a historical record of the oof setting for a particular mailbox. For instance if someone set an inappropriate OOF message and you need some evidence of this. You could also sequence this data to get picture over a certain time period of what users had their oof set and for how long it was enabled and did it say anything useful.
I've put together a script to show how to get at this log using the EWS Managed API and powershell and I've also included a parser to parse the log entries into an object to make it easier to export this data to csv or email etc.
I've put a download of this script here the script itself looks like
$MailboxName = "user@domain"
$rptCollection = @()
$dllpath = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange\Web Services\1.1\Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.dll"
$service = New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ExchangeService([Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ExchangeVersion]::Exchange2007_SP1)
$service.TraceEnabled = $false
$windowsIdentity = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()
$sidbind = "LDAP://<SID=" + $windowsIdentity.user.Value.ToString() + ">"
$aceuser = [ADSI]$sidbind
# $service.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential("user","password")
$service.AutodiscoverUrl($MailboxName ,{$true})
$nonipmRoot = new-object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.FolderId([Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.WellKnownFolderName]::Root,$MailboxName)
$ivItemView = new-object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ItemView(2)
$sfSearchFilter = new-object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.SearchFilter+IsEqualTo([Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ItemSchema]::ItemClass, "IPM.Microsoft.OOF.Log")
$psPropertySet = new-object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.PropertySet([Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.BasePropertySet]::FirstClassProperties)
$psPropertySet.RequestedBodyType = [Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.BodyType]::Text;
$fiItems = $service.finditems($nonipmRoot,$sfSearchFilter,$ivItemView)
foreach($itItem in $fiItems.Items){
$itItem.Body.Text.Split("`r") | ForEach-Object{
$line = $_
if($line.indexof("Mailbox:")-gt 0){
$elen = $line.indexof("Mailbox:")
if($elen -gt 0){
$datetime = $line.SubString(1,$elen-3)
if($line.indexof("Mailbox:")-gt 0){
$slen = $line.indexof("Mailbox:")
$elen = $line.indexof("OofState:",$slen)
if($slen -gt 0){
$slen += 10
$mailbox = $line.SubString($slen,($elen-$slen)-3)
if($line.indexof("OofState:")-gt 0){
$slen = $line.indexof("OofState:")
$elen = $line.indexof("ExternalAudience:",$slen)
if($slen -gt 0){
$slen += 10
$OofState = $line.SubString($slen,($elen-$slen)-2)
if($line.indexof("ExternalAudience:")-gt 0){
$slen = $line.indexof("ExternalAudience:")
$elen = $line.indexof("InternalReply:",$slen)
if($slen -gt 0){
$slen += 18
$ExternalAudience = $line.SubString($slen,($elen-$slen)-2)
if($line.indexof("InternalReply:")-gt 0){
$slen = $line.indexof("InternalReply:")
$elen = $line.indexof("ExternalReply:",$slen)
if($slen -gt 0){
$slen += 15
$InternalReply = $line.SubString($slen,($elen-$slen)-2)
if($line.indexof("ExternalReply:")-gt 0){
$slen = $line.indexof("ExternalReply:")
$elen = $line.indexof("SetByLegacyClient:",$slen)
if($slen -gt 0){
$slen += 15
$ExternalReply = $line.SubString($slen,($elen-$slen)-2)
if($line.indexof("SetByLegacyClient:")-gt 0){
$slen = $line.indexof("SetByLegacyClient:")
$elen = $line.indexof("comment:")
if($slen -gt 0){
$slen += 20
$SetByLegacyClient = $line.SubString($slen,($elen-$slen)-3)
if($line.indexof("comment:")-gt 0){
$slen = $line.indexof("comment")
$elen = $line.indexof("'",$slen)
if($slen -gt 0){
$slen += 9
$comment = $line.SubString($slen,($elen-$slen))
$mbcomb = "" | select datetime,mailbox,OofState,ExternalAudience,InternalReply,ExternalReply,SetByLegacyClient,comment
$mbcomb.datetime = $datetime
$mbcomb.mailbox = $mailbox
$mbcomb.OofState = $OofState
$mbcomb.ExternalAudience = $ExternalAudience
$mbcomb.InternalReply = $InternalReply
$mbcomb.ExternalReply = $ExternalReply
$mbcomb.SetByLegacyClient = $SetByLegacyClient
$mbcomb.comment = $comment
$rptCollection += $mbcomb
The log of changes is written to the body of this message and can be useful if for any reason you need a historical record of the oof setting for a particular mailbox. For instance if someone set an inappropriate OOF message and you need some evidence of this. You could also sequence this data to get picture over a certain time period of what users had their oof set and for how long it was enabled and did it say anything useful.
I've put together a script to show how to get at this log using the EWS Managed API and powershell and I've also included a parser to parse the log entries into an object to make it easier to export this data to csv or email etc.
I've put a download of this script here the script itself looks like
$MailboxName = "user@domain"
$rptCollection = @()
$dllpath = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange\Web Services\1.1\Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.dll"
$service = New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ExchangeService([Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ExchangeVersion]::Exchange2007_SP1)
$service.TraceEnabled = $false
$windowsIdentity = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()
$sidbind = "LDAP://<SID=" + $windowsIdentity.user.Value.ToString() + ">"
$aceuser = [ADSI]$sidbind
# $service.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential("user","password")
$service.AutodiscoverUrl($MailboxName ,{$true})
$nonipmRoot = new-object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.FolderId([Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.WellKnownFolderName]::Root,$MailboxName)
$ivItemView = new-object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ItemView(2)
$sfSearchFilter = new-object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.SearchFilter+IsEqualTo([Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ItemSchema]::ItemClass, "IPM.Microsoft.OOF.Log")
$psPropertySet = new-object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.PropertySet([Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.BasePropertySet]::FirstClassProperties)
$psPropertySet.RequestedBodyType = [Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.BodyType]::Text;
$fiItems = $service.finditems($nonipmRoot,$sfSearchFilter,$ivItemView)
foreach($itItem in $fiItems.Items){
$itItem.Body.Text.Split("`r") | ForEach-Object{
$line = $_
if($line.indexof("Mailbox:")-gt 0){
$elen = $line.indexof("Mailbox:")
if($elen -gt 0){
$datetime = $line.SubString(1,$elen-3)
if($line.indexof("Mailbox:")-gt 0){
$slen = $line.indexof("Mailbox:")
$elen = $line.indexof("OofState:",$slen)
if($slen -gt 0){
$slen += 10
$mailbox = $line.SubString($slen,($elen-$slen)-3)
if($line.indexof("OofState:")-gt 0){
$slen = $line.indexof("OofState:")
$elen = $line.indexof("ExternalAudience:",$slen)
if($slen -gt 0){
$slen += 10
$OofState = $line.SubString($slen,($elen-$slen)-2)
if($line.indexof("ExternalAudience:")-gt 0){
$slen = $line.indexof("ExternalAudience:")
$elen = $line.indexof("InternalReply:",$slen)
if($slen -gt 0){
$slen += 18
$ExternalAudience = $line.SubString($slen,($elen-$slen)-2)
if($line.indexof("InternalReply:")-gt 0){
$slen = $line.indexof("InternalReply:")
$elen = $line.indexof("ExternalReply:",$slen)
if($slen -gt 0){
$slen += 15
$InternalReply = $line.SubString($slen,($elen-$slen)-2)
if($line.indexof("ExternalReply:")-gt 0){
$slen = $line.indexof("ExternalReply:")
$elen = $line.indexof("SetByLegacyClient:",$slen)
if($slen -gt 0){
$slen += 15
$ExternalReply = $line.SubString($slen,($elen-$slen)-2)
if($line.indexof("SetByLegacyClient:")-gt 0){
$slen = $line.indexof("SetByLegacyClient:")
$elen = $line.indexof("comment:")
if($slen -gt 0){
$slen += 20
$SetByLegacyClient = $line.SubString($slen,($elen-$slen)-3)
if($line.indexof("comment:")-gt 0){
$slen = $line.indexof("comment")
$elen = $line.indexof("'",$slen)
if($slen -gt 0){
$slen += 9
$comment = $line.SubString($slen,($elen-$slen))
$mbcomb = "" | select datetime,mailbox,OofState,ExternalAudience,InternalReply,ExternalReply,SetByLegacyClient,comment
$mbcomb.datetime = $datetime
$mbcomb.mailbox = $mailbox
$mbcomb.OofState = $OofState
$mbcomb.ExternalAudience = $ExternalAudience
$mbcomb.InternalReply = $InternalReply
$mbcomb.ExternalReply = $ExternalReply
$mbcomb.SetByLegacyClient = $SetByLegacyClient
$mbcomb.comment = $comment
$rptCollection += $mbcomb